Wednesday, April 1, 2020

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

1. What is the PM CARES fund? We already have a PM National Relief fund, then what is the need of a new fund?

2. Many states have published names of the people in Quarantine, do you support this action? What about their privacy,they might also face social stigma?

3. Suggest some innovative ways in which technology can be used to contain the Coronavirus outbreak? How drones can be useful?

28.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

28.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

1. What measures has RBI taken to address the economic situation due to the lockdown and the Coronavirus outbreak? What is Repo rate? What is reverse repo? How does reducing the repo rate help? What is CRR? How does reducing of CRR help the economy? 

2. What challenges is the government facing in implementing the National lockdown? Suggest some steps to deal with these challenges?

3. Do you agree that the Lockdown could have been implemented in a better manner? Suggest some steps that were not taken but should have been taken?

4. What is the Kerala model of fighting the Coronavirus? Why other states are not following this model? What is Kudumbashree? How does it work? Why your state is not replicating it?

5. What is the serological test for Covid-19? Can it be used for diagnosis? Then which test is used for diagnosis? What is the technology involved in the RTPCR test? How is the infection detected?

6. There have been many intervention pleas filed in the Courts over the Covid outbreak and relief measures associated with it, do you think it is right for the courts to intervene at this time in executive decisions? What is meant by separation of powers? Who gave the concept? Why is it important? Do we have it in India?

7. US is one of the most developed countries in the world yet it has the highest number of cases, why this is so?

23.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

23.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

1. What is the Hantavirus? How is it different from Coronavirus? Why so many viruses originating  in China?

22.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

22.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

1. Should we call the Coronavirus as Wuhan virus? Why is China now saying that the virus originated in Italy? How will this crisis impact Global politics? How will it impact Global power relations? Do you think it will change our way of life? In what way?

21.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

21.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

1. Which drugs have been approved for Covid 19 treatment? What is Hydroxychloroquine? What is it originally used for? How does it work?

2. How much time does it take approximately to develop a vaccine? Why does it take so long? What are the stages involved in the process of vaccine development? 

3. What is ICMR? When was it formed? What does it do? What is its role in the Coronavirus outbreak?

4. World over it is seen that people are breaking rules, not following social distancing, coming out in the public, what are the reasons for this type of behaviour? As a DM, if there is curfew in your district due to the Coronavirus outbreak, how will you ensure that people follow it? Should we use force?

20.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

20.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

1. What measures has the govt taken against the Coronavirus outbreak? Do you think these measures are sufficient? What more steps would you suggest?

2. How the outbreak is likely to impact Indian economy? Suggest some steps to mitigate the economic impact of the outbreak?

3. What is Institution of National importance tag? Why it is in news? What are the criteria for getting such a tag?India is the home of Ayurveda yet it has not developed much, why? As AYUSH secretary, what steps will you take to promote Ayurveda?

4. How many members can the President nominate to the Rajya Sabha? Are there any criteria for nomination? Why this nomination process is in news? Why this system of nomination exists? What are its benefits? Can you tell about any nominated member who has contributed substantially?

19.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

19.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

1. What is section 144 of CrPC? What does it say? What is the difference between section b144 and a Curfew?

2. Why Italy has so many cases of Coronavirus? Are there any specific reasons? Comparatively Japan , Singapore seemed to have contained it to an extent, what approach did these countries follow?

3. What do you understand by Permanent commission? How is it different from Short service commission? Why women were denied permanent commission till now? What more steps would you suggest for empowering Women?

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions 1. What is the PM CARES fund? We already have a PM National Relief fund, then what is the...