Wednesday, April 1, 2020

21.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

21.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

1. Which drugs have been approved for Covid 19 treatment? What is Hydroxychloroquine? What is it originally used for? How does it work?

2. How much time does it take approximately to develop a vaccine? Why does it take so long? What are the stages involved in the process of vaccine development? 

3. What is ICMR? When was it formed? What does it do? What is its role in the Coronavirus outbreak?

4. World over it is seen that people are breaking rules, not following social distancing, coming out in the public, what are the reasons for this type of behaviour? As a DM, if there is curfew in your district due to the Coronavirus outbreak, how will you ensure that people follow it? Should we use force?

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29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions 1. What is the PM CARES fund? We already have a PM National Relief fund, then what is the...