Wednesday, February 19, 2020

19.02.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

19.02.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

1. Who was Dara Shikoh? Why there are efforts to locate his grave? Why it has not been located till now? What is his contribution to history? Why Dara Shikoh lost to Aurangzeb in the struggle for power?

2. Where have Lithium reserves been found in India recently? What is the importance of this discovery? Are lithium reserves found anywhere else in India? In which other countries is Lithium found? Do you think we should manufacture only electric vehicles? Why people are unwilling to purchase electric vehicles? What steps would you suggest to promote their use? 

3. Recently there was a report on status of Birds in India, Why is the number of birds decreasing? What birds do you usually see around your house? Is there a change in what you saw earlier and what you see now? What are some of the positives mentioned in the report? Why house sparrows have declined in urban areas but not in rural areas? As a citizen what can you do for their conservation?

4. How Coronavirus outbreak is impacting Indian Industry? What about pharmaceutical industry? How can this issue be resolved?

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29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions 1. What is the PM CARES fund? We already have a PM National Relief fund, then what is the...