Wednesday, February 26, 2020

26.02.2020- Newspaper based Interview questions

26.02.2020- Newspaper based Interview questions

1. What was the outcome of the US President's visit? Will you term it as successful?

2. Considering the Delhi riots, do you think Army should be called? What is the procedure to call the Army in such situations? Army is not meant to handle internal security duties, still why is Army called in riot situations? How state police can be strengthened? What guidelines has Supreme Court given regarding Police reforms? What is the status of their implementation?

3. Are there any guidelines for media reporting in riot situations? Don't you think media reporting is also creating challenges? Should govt regulate electronic media? What is the Press Council of India? What role does it have in such situations?

4. What is the Me Too movement? How it has helped the cause of Gender justice? Has it been successful in achieving it's objectives in India? Tell me steps that the govt should take for ensuring Gender justice.

5. Does India have any role in the peace process in Afghanistan? Should India play a bigger role? How? Should we have boots on ground? Why not?

6. What was the outcome of recent elections in Iran? What will be it's impact on US Iran relations? Does India have any role to play in mitigating the conflict between US and Iran?

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29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

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