Saturday, February 1, 2020

Newspaper based Interview Questions (31/01/2020)

1. Andhra legislative assembly has passed a resolution to abolish it's legislative council, is it binding on the Parliament? Do you think Legislative councils have failed to serve their purpose? There are still provisions for representation to graduates and teachers in legislative council,don't u think these are outdated? What steps would you suggest to reform the councils?

2. What are the criteria for declaring a disease as a global health emergency? What are its implications? How does the virus outbreak impact the Indian economy as well?

3. Have you read the Economic Survey? Can you comment on its main ideas in a few sentences? What is the purpose of publishing the survey if most of its ideas remain on paper?

4. Survey has used a term "Ethical Wealth creation", what do you understand by it? Do you think Ethics and Wealth creation can go together? What steps should the govt take to promote ethical wealth creation? What do you understand by Thalinomics?

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29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions 1. What is the PM CARES fund? We already have a PM National Relief fund, then what is the...