Sunday, March 8, 2020

05.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview questions

05.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview questions

1. The UN office of High Commissioner for Human rights has filed an intervention plea in the Supreme Court, do international bodies have this power to file such pleas on domestic issues? How should India respond? Why there are no such interventions with respect to allegations of HR violations by China? If International relations are about politics then does this move by a UN body indicate failure on part of the govt ?

2. What are cryptocurrencies? What is the technology behind them? Apart from Bitcoin, which are other cryptocurrencies?What Supreme Court has said recently about cryptocurrencies?What will be the impact of this judgement? What is your opinion on the judgement? Tell me pros and cons of cryptocurrencies? How can we regulate them? What are other countries doing?

3. Recently US has conducted Airstrikes against Taliban after the Taliban resumed operations against Afghanistan forces, does it mean that the deal has been a failure? According to you what are the chances that Taliban will keep it's promises and that the deal will be successful? How should the govt approach this volatile situation?

4. What changes have been made recently to the Companies Act? Won't decriminalization of offences reduce deterrence? Why CSR non compliance is considered an offence? If we make CSR compulsory in this manner then is it not another form of Tax itself? If you are posted in a district and a Company approaches you asking for advise on spending their CSR, what will you advise?

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29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions 1. What is the PM CARES fund? We already have a PM National Relief fund, then what is the...