Wednesday, April 1, 2020

14.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

14.03.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

1. What is the Essential commodities Act? When was it enacted? What was its purpose? Why Masks and sanitizers have been included as Essential commodities? How will it help? If you are the FDA commissioner, what steps will you take to ensure that there is no shortage of drugs and other essential commodities?

2. What steps has the govt taken for addressing the crisis in Yes Bank? Do you think these steps are sufficient or we need some more steps? How can we prevent such crisis situations from arising in future?

3. What is NPR? Why states are opposing it? How is it different from Census? If we already have Census, then why NPR is needed? How NPR is different from NRC? What can be the possible benefits of NPR?

4. Why SAARC is in news recently? Which countries are the members of SAARC? When was it formed and Why? Can we say that SAARC has been a failure? Suggest some steps to revive SAARC? What role can SAARC play with respect to the Coronavirus outbreak?

5. The Parliament has passed the Vivad se Vishwas bill, what are its provisions? The bill has been passed now while the last date for availing the scheme benefits is 31st March, do you think the scheme will succeed in such a scenario? This is just a one time window, what can be done to reduce tax disputes in the longer run?

6. Tell me what are the problems that India faces due to its large population?So Should we have a compulsory 2 child policy? Tell me it's pros and cons? Do we already have such a policy for some persons or posts? do you know the term Total fertility rate? What is it? What is India's TFR? Why some states have lower TFR as compared to others? As a health worker in a village, how will you promote family planning?

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29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions 1. What is the PM CARES fund? We already have a PM National Relief fund, then what is the...