Saturday, February 1, 2020

Newspaper based Interview Questions (01/02/2020)

01.02.2020- Newspaper based Interview Questions

1. What was the objective of the Make in India scheme? Do you think it has succeeded? What is Assemble in India? It is the same thing that China did, do you think the same model can be replicated in India ? There are two streams of thought, one favours domestic consumption based growth, the other favours export based growth, which one do you think is better and why? What steps would you suggest for doubling the exports?

2. What do you understand by Ease of doing business? What steps would you suggest to get India into the top 50 rankings of the Ease of doing business index? Isn't Ease of living equally, perhaps more important? What all would it include? Suggest 5 steps that govt should take to promote ease of living?

3. Everyone agrees that there is an economic slowdown, some suggest that govt should spend more, some suggest that the govt should go for cutting back expenditure and focus on fiscal consolidation, which way do you recommend and why?

4. The Economic Survey has recommended privatisation of education sector, do you agree? Don't you think that govt intervention is necessary in health and education sectors? What is the Delhi model of education? As a DM, what steps would you take to improve the condition of govt schools and hospitals in your district? Would you send your children to a govt school?

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29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

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