Saturday, February 1, 2020

Interview answers- articulation series (part 4)

Articulation Series Part 4
Q: There is always this debate between Environment and Industrialization, how can this debate be resolved? Considering that India is a developing country, should we focus more on industrialization than environmental concerns?
A: We should give equal focus to Industrialization as well as environment. As India is a developing country, we require Industrialization, however we are also facing problems such as Pollution, land degradation, rising temperatures and erratic monsoon, which also require us to focus on environmental protection. And moreover in India, environment is closely connected to people's livelihoods thus environmental degradation also impacts people's livelihoods. Thus the debate between Environment and industrialization can be resolved by focussing on sustainable development as demonstrated by the SDG's.

Q: But if you have to choose only one among the two and there is no middle way possible then what would you choose?
A: In that case , I would choose based on Gandhiji's Talisman, that is whatever decision benefits the least marginalised sections of society I would take that decision. For eg some old and inefficientThermal power plants in Delhi were closed down as they were contributing to air pollution and in one case, a solar park was set up on that land

Q: You must have heard of the Pathalgadi movement, do you think tribals should be left alone? What should be the policy with respect to their development,should the govt intervene or not?
A: I think we must follow a middle way between isolation and complete assimilation with respect to Tribals. In this context we should follow the approach of Pt Nehru of Integration as given in his Tribal Panchsheel. It involves providing access to developmental opportunities to Tribals such as Health, education, skill development and at the same time empowering them by giving powers to Gram Sabha and other local bodies.

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