Saturday, February 29, 2020

28.02.2020- Newspaper based Interview questions

28.02.2020- Newspaper based Interview questions

1. What is your opinion on India attending the US- Taliban deal signing? If we recognise the Taliban, then does it not amount to giving legitimacy to terrorist actors? What steps should we take to ensure that peace and stability is maintained in Afghanistan?

2. What agreements were signed recently between India and Myanmar? Why Myanmar is important for India?

3. What is the reason for increasing locust attacks worldwide? Is it related to climate change? How should we deal with Climate change?

4. What are the criteria for declaring a disease outbreak as a Pandemic? What is the impact of such a declaration? Why Coronavirus outbreak has not yet been declared as a Pandemic?

5. What is the process for transfer of High Court and Supreme Court judges? Does the executive have any role in it? What are the criteria for transfer? Do you think the current system of judicial appointments and transfers is working well? What reforms are necessary? But NJAC was declared unconstitutional, why? Then what can be done?

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29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions

29.03.2020- newspaper based Interview Questions 1. What is the PM CARES fund? We already have a PM National Relief fund, then what is the...